your Hosts
Unscripted Liberation Codes is a labor of love from two Starseed weirdo soul bros who are here to shift timelines and to have a good time.
Are we everyone’s cup of tea? Absolutely not. Are we here to join other resonant souls to liberate and ascend this realm? Sure are! Get to know us below:
Meet Mario
ULC is hosted by this epic entity: the Blue Ray Bodhisattva and Salsa Shaman who is here to assist the grid during our great cosmic paradigm shift. Book a hypnotherapy or astrology session with him or buy delicious Ayurvedic salsa at StarseedSalsa.com.
Meet Alex
Mario's co-host is a reincarnated Atlantean of the Atla-Ra priesthood who lived some exotic recent incarnations such as Josephus, a Spanish author, and a Playboy Playmate. He is a Reddit moderator and Principal at Alcyone Reserve. Find Alex's subreddit at Reddit.com/r/Soulnexus or visit his website at AlcyoneReserve.com.